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Did Adrian Peterson cross the line in using a switch to “whoop” his 4 year old son 10 to 15 times?

imagejpeg_0A parent’s right to discipline his or her child comes into conflict with the criminal laws on assault and child abuse. Does the Texas “Corporal Punishment” Statute permit leaving visible cuts on a child’s buttocks, back and scrotum, or will a Jury consider Peterson’s actions “tough love” and an effort by a loving parent to teach his son “right from wrong”? The doctor who examined the child called the cuts “extensive” and alerted Law Enforcement. The Grand Jury, a sample reflection of the community where the “whopping” took place, called it “negligent or reckless injury to a child”. Peterson denies any intent to harm the child, and it will be up to a Jury to determine if this was an act of loving discipline, or a crime.

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